Presenting The Faux Gourmet!

The Faux Gourmet has been on hiatus for a while. I began this blog as a creative outlet during law school. After law school, I started other blogs on other topics and no longer needed this as a creative outlet, not to mention my diminishing free time.

But I kept cooking, kept taking food pictures and garden pictures, kept wanting to share the little tidbits of what I'd made. I occasionally did this on my personal blog (to which, I'm sure, people yawned and wondered when I'd post another cat picture). But I started to miss this space. Of all the blogs I have, this format, culled over several dedicated years and incorporating that adorable illustration by Sam Wedelich (see info the left) is by far my favorite.

So I'm back!

Expect short and sweet posts. Less food porn, more recipes and tips. If you want food porn you can look at any of the 5000 million existing food blogs. I don't have good lighting in my apartment and don't have time to style plates. I just want to make something yummy and eat it. If that sounds ok with you, stick around.

Looking forward to being back in touch!


The Faux Gourmet

Faux Gourmet @ Twitter

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    Thursday, October 2, 2008

    Not Even Faux Gourmet

    The Faux Gourmet Wants to Know: What is your favorite easy on-the-go snack? Leave your comments below!

    I was ridiculed yesterday (again) for munching on one of my favorite snacks: pure, unadorned, celery.

    Photo, Organic Passion

    "Watching you eat that makes me doubt your abilities as a chef," one of my friends joked. It isn't that I'm trying to lose weight (celery famously has fewer calories than the number required to eat & digest it, but it is not a weight loss tool).

    Nor am I seeking the health benefits (vitamin C, dietary fiber, potassium, foliate, molybdenum, manganese and vitamin B6, calcium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, magnesium, vitamin A, phosphorous and iron, not to mention reducing high blood pressure, clearing uric acid from painful joints, possibly helping the treatment of arthritis and rheumatic problems, and helping the kidney as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant).

    I tried to explain that the fresh, clean celery was just a nice break from the more complicated flavors in the rest of my food but she was having none of it. Celery is, apparently, so lame, it isn't even faux gourmet. I suppose what with celery being so popular among such luminaries as guinea pigs, dogs, horses, birds, squirrels, and small rodents, it is a hard sell. But come on people, without celery you couldn't have chicken noodle soup, or Cajun cuisine, or a decent Bloody Mary! (My Auntie R's excepting.)
    Give me a break!

    Photo, eat'n style Munchen (see also accompanying recipe)

    So I persist in my celery eating ways, iconoclast that I am.
    I scoop up piles of velvety hummus, I fill it with peanut butter and dot it with raisins for a sweet little treat, or I just munch away, keeping me awake through hours of thick reading. Delicious!

    Photo, Inside Voice (see also accompanying recipe)

    Meanwhile, the Faux Gourmet has been wondering what simple snacks you, dear readers, turn to in a pinch, when you need an easy, portable snack to tide you through. You can't sound sillier than me, with my celery-munching ways!

    Please post a comment & share your favorite on-the-go snacks.


    Anonymous said...

    Miss Foxy Gourmet,

    My favorite snack on the go would be pretzels and sprite...guess who?

    The Faux Gourmet said...

    Foxy Gourmet, I like it! ;)

    I like pretzels too, especially dipped in melted chocolate chips or honey mustard.

    calculon said...

    I don't have the forethought to prepare snacks to take with me in advance. Or maybe I'm just lazy.

    But, pretzels with vanilla ice cream or fries with ice cream are awesome!

    The Faux Gourmet said...

    In celery's defense, it requires no advance preparation.

    Not that I expect anyone to transition from fries + ice cream to . . . celery.

    But I would like to add, the salty/sweet combination is indeed delicious. (I have written about the euphoria that is salty caramel on here on several occasions . . . )

    Molly said...

    Grüß Gott aus Österreich!
    I have recently gotten hooked on bananas, meine Schwester. I think they are quite delightful because they come mit their own protective wrap and do very well for Jause at meine Schule. While I enjoyed them with slices of cheddar Käse in my younger days (vielen Dank Herr Rogers), I have become mildly addicted to Banane mit Nutella (good for dessert). Basically, ich liebe Bananen.
    Auf wiedersehen!

    ihns said...

    unsalted, roasted almonds from trader joe's, black sesame soymilk "juice" boxes from a korean market, luna bars (bc of the protein).

    The Faux Gourmet said...

    That makes me think of Faux Crepes, a snack on which I relied heavily on college:

    Put a tortilla on a plate. Spread nutella or PB on the tortilla & slice a banana over the top. Cover with another plate & microwave for 30 seconds. Roll up like a burrito for a delightful faux crepe.

    Also good with jam, honey, etc. And maybe those TJ's unsalted, roasted almonds.


    I like the Lemon luna bars. :)

    Anonymous said...

    Frozen grapes, Twizzlers, and anything chocolate! (Not together, though...)

    Thanks-- now I'm hungry!

    The Faux Gourmet said...

    Frozen grapes???? I'm curious! Really?

    Auntie J said...

    Arugula: my new Doritos.

    Anonymous said...

    bloody marys, with leafy celery.
    bartlett pears.
    day-old rice with soy sauce and fried garlic.
    Hi JR!