Taste & See: Start with a dried ear of corn. Oh, you don't have one of those? Well, just go to the farmers' market and have a friendly man give you one for free.
That's what I did, sometime last fall. Just sauntered on by the booth selling expensive mushrooms at the Grand Army Plaza farmers' market and after exclaiming in only-partially-mock surprise at how much my little brow bag of chanterelles cost, the nice man with the beard and plaid shirt--not a hipster, an actual, "I do this for a living farmer"!--reached into a carton behind him and pulled out a maroon ear of corn, dry as a bone.
"Here," he said, "take this. Just throw it in the microwave and make yourself some nice homemade popcorn. Great for a crisp fall day."
And it was a crisp fall day, a beautiful one. Then it was a cold slushy winter day. Then it was a cold slushy winter week. And a cold slushy winter month. Then I broke my arm and didn't go to work for three days. Then I finally got ready to go to work, on a Friday, feeling grand after a week of downtime. I walked 2 blocks, fell on my tush, checked my email to see work had been canceled, and promptly walked back.
This, turns out, was the perfect, perfect day to make that popcorn. I microwaved it about 5 minutes, on a plate covered in a big plastic bowl. That was just about perfect; when I stripped the cob & tossed back in for another minute to get the straggling kernels, I filled the microwave, then the apartment, with smoke--but notably, the smoke alarm did not go off. It goes off when I make toast. It goes off when I turn on the oven. But when I fill my microwave with thick brown clouds it is silent? WHAT?
For your part, you can start with popcorn, however you choose to make it. Then comes the fun part: caramel sauce. Yum.

Caramel sauce comes in a jar, if you want to be supremely lazy, but even better, it comes in the form of butter & sugar & salt, swirled together over heat for about 10 minutes, or until it reaches about 300 on a candy thermometer. I let it get to 310 on accident and it got pretty crunchy--which was great, on popcorn, but makes the leftovers a little harder to use. But whatever you choose, do yourself a favor and use a thermometer; it isn't easy to eyeball bubbling sugar.
- Handful of nuts (I used cashews; pecans or walnuts would be lovely as well)
- About 3 cups popcorn
- 6 Tablespoons butter
- 1.5 cups "sweet":
I used about 1 cup raw sugar, 1/4 cup honey and 1/4 cup maple syrup because that's what I had on hand.
You could use all sugar, or for more maple flavor, you could use all maple syrup. - 2 tsp good sea salt
- Make popcorn.
- Melt butter.
- Add the sweet and the salt and stir to combine, allowing to get hot & bubbly, up to 300 for a softer sauce or 310 for more crunchy.
- Meanwhile, toast nuts in oven or on sauce pan til golden. Once toasted, promptly remove from heat or they'll burn, you'll waste money, feel stupid, and perhaps even set off your fire alarm. Not that I'd know.
- Combine nuts, popcorn, and sauce to coat. Break clumps into smaller pieces to make it easier to eat once caramel hardens.
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